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What is Project Graduation?
Project Graduation is a celebration for BHS graduates that takes place immediately following the graduation ceremony. Our graduates will board buses to an unidentified location to begin their celebration. Project Graduation has become an annual event for graduating seniors around the United States in response to the many alcohol and drug related deaths that occur right after graduation.
Why should my child attend Project Graduation?
Typically, over 75% of Baldwin graduates attend every year. Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely limited high school activities and experiences for our graduating seniors. Project Grad is their last opportunity to celebrate together and create memories as the Class of 2022. We strive to have as close to full participation as possible. With everyone’s help it will be a great night they will never forget!
Is Project Graduation a School Function?
No. Project Graduation is a privately funded non-profit organization organized by volunteer parents. Each year volunteers are needed to raise funds, plan and carry out the event. No Department Of Education funding is provided.
What students are eligible to attend?
Your child must be a BHS graduate of the current class. Students with disciplinary/criminal issues may be prohibited from attending.
The actual cost is approximately $300 per graduate. However, with successful fundraising we can bring the price down to $100, as long as you register and pay by the first deadline.
Are scholarships available?
For graduates who may need assistance with paying the registration fee, scholarships will be available. Please email hpbhsprojgrad@gmail.com for an application. Applications are due by Thursday, March 31, 2022.
Where will BHS Project Graduation take place?
The locations of project graduation are kept secret from the students and the general public, to prevent party-crashing and hiding of alcohol/drugs at the venues.